Desks Furnishings
In the office or at home, the desk is an essential complement for organizing your work, the work space in fact improves the ability to concentrate. Our catalog is made up of various types of designer desks, from the best brands such as La Forma, with various finishes, which increase the value in terms of practicality and space.
Ens Desk | Connubia
€1,00 EUR
Scrittoio Storm | Cattelan Italia
€1,00 EUR
Scrivania Zac | Bontempi
€1,00 EUR
Scrivania Malibù | Cattelan Italia
€1,00 EUR
Scrivania Vega | Cattelan Italia
€1,00 EUR
Scrittoio Qwerty | Cattelan Italia
€1,00 EUR
Scrittoio Batik | Cattelan Italia
€1,00 EUR