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Furnishing consultancy

Design your spaces with eenterior

Discover eenterior's online consultancy and design service: we put our interior designers and interior designers at your disposal, to advise you on the choice of furnishings and their arrangement.

Let us accompany you in complete comfort in the realization of your ideas for the home, the office or any other space you want to renovate.

100% Made in Italy

Our products come from the best brands in the
Italian design scene, made by reliable brands, with a guarantee of high quality. We use the best specialized partners for delivery and assembly services.

Tailored to your tastes

All of our advice aims to satisfy your needs and tastes: we will help you identify the most suitable products, guiding you in the correct placement of furnishings and space management. Each project
is confirmed only when you really feel at home.

Competence and experience

We put the experience of our decorators and interior designers at your disposal to guide you towards the most beautiful and effective solutions for your project. All our created environments aim
at harmony, elegance and comfort.

Step by step

We support you at every moment of the realization of your project, from an initial exchange of ideas to the assembly of the furnishings in your home, office or other environment. We take into account every need and every request to best satisfy your tastes.

How does it work

Requesting our services is really simple, here's how it works!

Service n° 1


Are you looking for advice on furnishings, interior design solutions or finishes and do you need advice from an expert interior designer? Trust eenterior: we put our experience at your disposal for ideas and solutions for internal and external environments. And it's totally free!

Step 1 - Choose the day and time for the consultation.

Book a 30-minute appointment using the form on this page, providing us with your details: we will contact you via email or telephone to confirm the day and time, and you will tell us which tool you prefer (Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, or a normal phone call).

Phase 2 - Talk to our decorator

On the day of the appointment you will receive the call/video call so you can get to know our interior designer, in order to understand your tastes, delve deeper into your needs by evaluating which products and finishes are best suited, and be able to develop a project together.

If you want to share any material with us, feel free to do so: floor plan in any format (dwg, pdf, jpeg, png), photos of the rooms, product ideas, expected budget etc. We want to get to know your style and your tastes in depth: the more information you can give us, the easier it will be for us to satisfy your needs!

After the consultation, if you wish, we can provide you with a complete estimate for the quotation of the solutions found together, and a summary moodboard that visually represents all the elements that make up the proposal of furnishings.

Service n°2


Do you want to delve deeper into furnishing consultancy with more details, including materials, floors, lighting, accessories, project drawings, etc.? Trust our interior designers to create your living space with style and uniqueness through interior design!

Phase 1

In this phase we will ask you to provide us with the floor plan of the environment to be designed (CAD or pdf format), with indication of the dimensions, positioning of the doors and windows, location of the
main dimensions (such as radiators, fireplaces, etc.) and photo of the environment in its current state. If you have already carried out an initial furnishing consultation with our
interior designers, we will start again from the solutions found together.

Level 2

Subsequently we will collaborate to request more information from you on the solutions you are looking for, and any technical insights into the environment to be designed. Depending on your needs, we will provide you with the 2D plan of the project, any overlay compared to the current state, an indication of the furnishings (chosen products and overall dimensions), the main measurements and a complete report of the project , possibly accompanied by photorealistic rendering.